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I'm realizing it's been a couple weeks since I posted anything here. It's mostly been pretty quiet...which has been welcome. Here's some of what's been going on:
- Everyone's back to schoolwork. We're going to be changing some things up starting next month (more on that later), and historically this is about the time of year when I start thinking about what we'll tackle in the next school year. So. Lots of overthinking and indecision here, lol. This week is one of our "off" weeks, so hopefully I can nail things down more before February.
- Related to thinking about what we'll tackle next school year, I recently finished enrolling Asher for CEC (where Noah goes now) for the fall. He still wants to primarily homeschool through high school but has agreed to attend as a part-time sophomore next year and we'll see from there. Our thinking for this has two reasons...1) it would be useful to have Asher take at least some classes there (such as foreign language and chemistry) and potentially earn some free college credits down the road; and 2) CECFC has a sibling preference system where siblings of enrolled students have first crack at enrollment...given that we know Micah wants to attend CEC starting in fall 2019 and that Noah will no longer be a student there next year, having Asher take advantage of Noah's current sibling preference dealio means we'll be able to have Micah take advantage of Asher's enrollment when it's time for him to enroll. Whew.
- Asher's still thoroughly enjoying parkour and appreciates the challenge of working on new skills. (Within the first two weeks, he managed to earn the first two bands in their progressive band system (similar to belts in karate). We noticed on their calendar that they were going to be testing for the second band (which seems to happen about once a quarter??), and Asher already had those skills so was allowed to do a quick individual testing for the first band in time to test with others for the second.)
- All the sectional rearranging is finally done. Let's just say that a leak in the furnace room and the ensuing need to tear up some carpet and pad in the guest room necessitated more shuffling of things and that we'll eventually also be replacing our area rug in the family room. Ah, the joys of home ownership, lol.
Honestly there's not much else exciting going on here right now. :) We're enjoying that First Lego League is over and that Asher and Micah helping with black belt testing is done except for the actual promotion ceremony later this week...both have freed up our schedule and we're thankful. Hope your January is winding up nicely as well!
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