How it's going...

Four weeks into our school year and I figured I'd do a bit of a check here are some thoughts in no particular order at all...
1. Micah's back at Options and settling in happily (though still missing having Asher there a bit). After the first day, he switched a couple of classes (from animation (which he's taken before and where the teacher said that students should switch if they'd taken it before since she wouldn't be covering much new) to world geography and from art (which he's also taken before) to brain games (math)). The switches were primarily motivated by being in classes with his friends, but I think it's all good. :)
2. We've been incorporating some new games:
The boys aren't thrilled with this one, as I'm trying to make them learn things (in this case, where all the countries are), but *I* think it's dandy, lol.
The boys like this one better. It's an extension of the Oregon Trail game and has new ways to die. ;) So far, we haven't managed to live/win.
3. Asher, Micah and I have been trying to take morning walks more regularly (about three mornings a week so far). It's a nice way to break up schoolwork and get boys moving. Yay, us!
4. I've almost gotten to the point in this school year where I'm done looking for other things to add, lol. I try to remember this post.
5. I've bought things this year that I hadn't things to dissect (wish me luck!), a 20 pack of protractors (20 cost only slightly more than a single one, so I figure it's better to have extra in case of loss), and a Peters projection map (which hurts my head but seemed good for perspective's sake).
6. I'm back to giving grades this year. I tried it out back in 2012-13 and 2013-14 trying to prep Noah for going to school and motivate him to actually turn things in on time. After he went to off to CEC, we kinda dropped it, since the younger two didn't need that motivation. Honestly, they still don't. But. Asher's in high school now so I figure I should keep track of grades. It's going fine. :) We mostly focus on giving credit for effort and tests...emphasizing that the daily exercises and such are an opportunity to correct work and learn from mistakes.
Overall, things are going pretty darn well. We still have things we're working on, of course, but I'm happy with our homeschooling direction. :)

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