Second & Third Day of School pictures

So. Technically, Noah's classes at Front Range started on Monday. Fortunately, since we spent the day in Wyoming, his actual class schedule was such that he doesn't have classes on Mondays. Therefore, yesterday was his first day...
He made it to his three classes on campus just fine. (He has one online class also but apparently that doesn't start until next Monday.)
Yesterday, also, I started "official" school work with Asher. (I'm still counting Monday as our first day because total solar eclipses are educational and because I subjected them all to listening to me explain how our school year was going to work while we were in Wyoming, lol.) More details soon, but the morning went really well and he's honestly such a diligent student...
This morning, then, I started schoolwork with both Micah and Asher (Micah was gone yesterday morning--more on that later)...and got this when we started geometry...
...but also made them all go outside for some "official" start of school year pictures...
Yeah, they're all barefoot. We aren't actually going anywhere today. (Noah only has classes Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.)
And I took individual pictures...
We're calling Micah a 7th grader this year.
Asher's starting high school (homeschooling), so is 9th grade.
And my Noah is starting his SENIOR year!
I don't have a kindergarten picture (for comparison, as I'm seeing others do online with their seniors)...because I didn't take first day of school pictures until we started Options. So, here's a picture from August 2008, starting second grade at Options:
Awww. ;)
And now I'm all nostalgic. Sigh. Happy back to school to everyone else, too!
(Will be back with homeschooling plan/details...)

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