One hundred four

104. That's the number of colleges that have sent mail to Noah to date. It's a little crazy, no?
He hasn't specifically requested information from any of them and has an email inbox with, literally, thousands of emails from colleges.
Up until last weekend, all the mail had just been accumulating in a lovely, messy pile...some opened, some not. Being me, lol, I finally decided something needed to be done about it before the boy heads into his senior year. So. I separated everything out geographically and put any duplicates together so I could get an accurate count...104.
Yes. I got a bit compulsive and clipped the different geographic regions together and labeled them and all. I have no idea why. Don't judge. ;)
Ironically, Noah's not interested in more than 99% of these. Even back when he had a bigger list of schools he was interested in (I made him make a list last year) only a few of those have sent mail. Weird.
In any case, if you happen to need/want materials about different colleges, let me know. We've got plenty. :)

Reader Comments (1)
Which schools is he interested in? I would love the inside scoop.