Ten on Tuesday

Mostly for my own record...just catching up. So, here are ten things that have happened lately that I haven't mentioned:
1. Noah took two SAT subject tests back in January. We're not sure whether he'll need them or not for college admissions, but decided it was safer to take them now (while at least some of the material was fresher in his mind). While he was taking those (since we had to drive down to Longmont to do them), I met up with a college friend for coffee/tea and had a lovely visit. :) (I'm thinking I got the better end of that deal, though Noah did get pizza at one of his favorite places afterward.)
2. Micah's been to three friends' birthday parties. (Asher also went to one of those.) Apparently, a lot of Micah's friends have winter birthdays, lol.
3. Asher and Micah have performed a couple times for their karate demo team. One of the times, they got to use glo-chucks (clear nunchucks with glow sticks in them), and the other time was performing at a black belt promotion. (They only have those twice a year, and they're more exciting to perform at.)
4. We had one of our homeschool "off weeks." I didn't manage to do anything particularly exciting during it but got some planning done and enjoyed the down time.
5. I took the boys to see the Lego Batman Movie, which was hilarious. They already want to see it again. :)
6. We binge watched The West Wing on Netflix. It started out with Nathan and I just watching together but Micah joined us by the end.
7. I've been getting to the gym weekly with my friend Lynne. We also do boot camp three days a week but are adding these in for some additional strength training. As a bonus, I've managed to use the opportunity to get Nathan to the gym some of those times also. ;)
8. Nathan and I got our taxes in to our accountant. It's not exciting, but it's nice to have that mostly all done.
9. I also gave all my guys haircuts. Again, not exciting, but good to have done.
10. We reaffirmed that I'm not allowed to go grocery shopping, lol. Nathan kindly let me join him and Micah for their weekly grocery shopping trip right before the Superbowl. Let's just say that perhaps I browse and fall prey to impulse buys more than Nathan appreciates. ;)
And that's some of what's been going on around here...

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