Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Thank Thursday

Ever the optimist, I'm choosing to focus on the positive today. :) Also. I didn't do any sort of gratitude recording in November, so I figure I'm due. Here, then, are ten things I'm thankful for today (in no particular order):

1. The Great British Baking Show. While he was sick over Thanksgiving, Micah started us watching this show on Netflix. Apparently, there have been eight seasons, but we've only watched four. ;) We actually really enjoyed it...as British humor is awesome and baked goods are yummy. Along the way, we also very much appreciated how *nice* all those Brits were and the diversity of backgrounds represented.

2. Contacts. The week after Thanksgiving, at their own request (and on their own dime since we'd just gotten new glasses in August), Asher and Micah went in to switch to contacts. The first few days were a bit rough...getting used to the process and convincing them to not shut their eyes...but we've got it down now. They're both so happy to be able to see clearly now during karate (before, they'd just taken off their glasses for class). (Also, I find it weird that all three boys have prescriptions where both eyes are identical. Does that seem weird to anyone else?)

3. Three Musketeers. Last Saturday would have been my dad's 68th birthday. As I did last year, I handed out Three Musketeers bars in his honor. This time, I handed out 68. :) It mostly went really well and I definitely love doing it...but I might need to rethink handing out that many. It got to the point where I was walking around the mall trying to hand them out...and realizing that people were maybe a bit suspicious of me and that maybe I should not give them to children, lol. Still. Fun tradition that I think my dad would have loved.

4. People who share news. I've been meaning to say something for ages now (well, at least a year), but THANK YOU to those--particularly in my Facebook feed--who take the time to share relevant and thought provoking articles and information. I don't always post or respond, but I utterly appreciate that you're there and that you care enough to keep sharing. (I'm sure I can't name them all but am thinking especially of Aimee Moiso, Elizabeth Stuart Perry, Lyndy Latta, April Undy, and Paula Sacks. You ladies rock!)

5. Grandma Christine. We're sad that we can't be there with everyone to celebrate (the party is right between Noah's finals--and I think Noah's the only grandkid or great grandkid who's actually in school right now, such that finals schedules are a factor), but we're so thankful that Nathan's grandma will be able to celebrate her 90th birthday this month surrounded by family and friends. 

6. My new curling wand. It's silly, but it just makes me happy. ;) Big thanks to my awesome hairstylist who recommended I try a wand instead of a traditional curling iron! It's sooooo much easier and quicker. I don't think I've really curled my hair since college, so it's fun to play with...and makes my purple highlights stand out more. (I get bored with my hair fairly regularly...and it's been long for awhile...but I like it long. So, it was either start doing stuff with it or cut it, lol.)

7. New bathroom sinks and faucets. I'll post pictures once we get both completely finished, but Nathan's been a dear and is replacing our master bathroom sinks and faucets...which we've been wanting to do since we moved in 13 years ago, lol. It was a bit of a headache actually getting all the necessary things (and wasn't really in the plans for right now anyhow (long story...)) but will be lovely when it's done. :)

8. College applications done. Okay, technically, Noah finished his college applications back in October and has already heard back from both and is accepted and happy and all that. But, the follow-up to those applications were the Honors Program applications for both schools...which he's been working on finishing since October. Yesterday, before switching gears to study for finals, he finally hit the "submit" button on both of them and can now breathe a bit. :) He'll still be filling out scholarship applications for months, but it's another thing off the list.

9. Auto insurance. On Tuesday, Nathan was in an accident. No one was hurt (thank goodness!), but he rear-ended another driver and had to have the car towed. We found out today from the adjuster that they're deeming the car totaled. (It's an older car in the first place.) Bleh. Looks like we're going to have to shop for another vehicle...which doesn't sound fun. (It took us a good while the last time before we finally found this car.) On the plus side, though, I'm very thankful that we have insurance, that we have the financial flexibility that this isn't a disaster/emergency for us, and that our schedules are such that we can manage as a one car family for awhile (though it means I'm chauffeuring Noah to and from classes again, I'm choosing to look at it as more time spent together). I'm also looking at it as a learning opportunity for our two teen drivers, lol. 

10. Ferris wheels. They're not the most exciting rides, but I really enjoy them. I like the different perspective you get when you're at the top and the necessary "down time" where you just have to sit and enjoy the moment. Earlier this week, we finally popped over to the new Scheels store just to see what all the fuss was about. Loved their huge aquarium and walking all around but definitely enjoyed the Ferris wheel the most:

Nathan and I rode together...

...Noah and Micah rode together...

...and Asher got a seat all to himself. :)

And those are ten things I'm thankful for today. :) How are things going with you?

Reader Comments (1)

So thankful that no one was hurt in Nathan's accident!
So thankful that Grandma Christine is still with us at the ripe young age of 90!
So thankful that God has blessed us in so many ways and that you are part of that blessing.

December 8, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

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