Trick or Treat?

On Sunday, we finally got around to putting up a few Halloween decorations. It wasn't much, just enough to appease certain youngest sons who felt we needed *something* outside. ;)
(We enlisted Noah's height...)
...and the Joker's wig from last year (that went unused in favor of coloring Micah's hair) ended up on McCoy (aka Bones).
Yesterday, then, for Halloween, I remembered to take pictures before it got dark:
I'm in the inflatable T-Rex (my costume is AWESOME). Micah's a dragonfly...because he loved the dragon mask and the butterfly wings and that's as far as we got in the costume aisle with him, lol. And Asher's a giant panda person (because who can resist a giant panda head that was on sale!). But. Sadly, the giant panda head was not great for visibility, so when he actually went out later that night he wore a skull mask:
And here's a better picture of Micah's dragon head:
Shortly after the pictures (and having required boys to add coats or at least long sleeves), I dropped Micah and Asher off to trick or treat with friends. They had a fabulous time and brought home a *big* haul of candy (though I had to confiscate about 20% of Micah's on account of his braces...which made him sad but made Noah pretty happy, lol). Apparently, there was much laughing together as they went from house to house singing Christmas carols (one of the friends was dressed as Santa) and other random things and trying to do a conga line to front doors.
Meanwhile, back at home we had a very quiet Halloween. Our doorbell rang fewer than a dozen times...which made us very sad because we had a lot of candy to hand out (we've had lots of kids in the past) and because I was standing outside in my costume pretending to be a lawn inflatable and then roaring at kids as they came to the door...kind of like this:
...but in the dark it's scarier. ;) I only "got" a few kids and tried not to scare the little ones (waving and talking instead of roaring and jumping). But. I did startle Gabe as he walked up to the door to join us for his traditional "not trick or treating and just hanging out time" with Noah. That was great fun and made the waiting outside for more kids who didn't come worth it. :)

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