Ten on Tuesday

Don't have time to go into all the details so here's a quick run down of stuff going on around here lately...
1. A bit less than a couple weeks ago, Noah got his college applications finished and submitted. Woohoo! Using the Common App, he applied to just two schools. (We're discussing this more right now and trying to verify that he doesn't want to apply to any additional schools.)
2. Now he's busy finishing up requirements for his endorsed diploma (more about what that is and what it requires here) with letters requesting job shadows. He's also starting work on scholarship applications and applications for the honors programs at the schools he's already applied to.
3. Randomly, a friend was measuring her own family to compare arm spans vs height and asked others to do the same. In case you're wondering, Nathan and Asher have monkey arms (arm spans are 3" longer than their height), Micah and I are pretty proportional (arm spans and height are within half an inch), and Noah's somewhere in between (arm span is 1.5" longer than height).
4. Last week, as part of Asher's biology lesson/review, we labeled muscles and bones using Micah as our model:
5. Micah's First Lego League team continues to plug along getting ready for qualifiers. They had a practice run of their problem presentation last Friday and are now working on finishing touches.
6. I recently introduced the boys to Pinterest (having assigned them each a specific thing to research). It's entertaining to see what types of things they search for, lol.
7. The JOAD season is now in full swing. Noah's team has had their first dress rehearsal and first full tournament. Noah's back to shooting his compound bow this season and I'm still volunteering to track all sorts of numbers/stats.
8. I've been taking another City of Fort Collins class/program. Similar to the CityWorks program I participated in last spring, I'm currently attending the City Planning Academy. It's just four weeks long and more specific to the city planning process. I have two more sessions to go and am enjoying it so far.
9. Apparently, I've been unscrewing jars wrong my whole life. Noah informs me that I should be unscrewing them with my left hand so that I'm twisting toward my body rather than away from it...that this is more efficient and effective. Annoyingly, he's right. ;) It just never occurred to me to use a different hand depending on if I'm unscrewing or screwing something.
10. On Saturday, Noah got this in the mail:
Yup, he's officially been accepted at Colorado State University here in Fort Collins. (This didn't come as any sort of surprise but is nice to have confirmed.) This is currently his top choice and we feel it will be a good fit if that's what he decides on.
And that's some of what's going on around here. Our weeks are still busy with karate (Asher and Micah) and drivers ed (Asher) and homeschooling (Asher and Micah) and Options (Micah) and college classes (Noah) and gymnastics (Asher, though today's the last one unfortunately) and First Lego League (Micah) and JOAD (Noah) and City Planning (me). Before the month is over, we also have various appointments and Halloween stuff and probably other things I'm forgetting. :)
How's your October going?

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