Braces (boy #2)

This morning Micah and I headed to Dr. Ebert's office and Micah got the first part of his braces:
He was happy to pose with me for a before picture when we got there, thought he looked awesomely weird with the blue stuff they "painted" on his teeth initially (it got cleaned off in short order and he was NOT a fan of the mouth expander thingee), and held Sven (my wonderful knitted silver fox scarf) for moral support toward the end...
Unlike when Asher first started, Micah got all of the top braces along with two on the bottom for the elastics...trying to help pull down the canines. This will be our first experience with bands but so far, so good. Micah's trying to see it as a way to strengthen his talking muscles, lol. Fingers crossed that things go as smoothly as they did with Asher's braces. :)
Reader Comments (1)
Ugh! I didn't like the mouth expander either! Hope the bands aren't too uncomfortable. I didn't have to wear those even though they put the hook braces in just in case. Hated those as they chewed up the insides of my cheeks every time they put new wires on. I feel for him!