
Just popping in with pics from yesterday...
- Yes, Micah's hair was that green. We did it for Options during the day (because they were having crazy hair day instead of costumes) and actually added even more green for the evening. It didn't show up as well in the night-time pictures.
- Darth Vader is our friend James, who came to trick or treat with Asher and Micah as usual. :)
- Sadly, Gabe couldn't join Noah in their joint "not dressing up or trick or treating" tradition, because he had his wisdom teeth extracted earlier in the day. :(
- I had initially tried to stick with the superhero theme that my own boys were sporting. I had on my Wonder Woman tee and red boots and was thinking about making some last minute purchases of a blue skirt/tutu and the gold accessories. But. The boots were really hot and it was almost 80 degrees yesterday. Then I remembered I have this awesome Ewok scarf and pulled together this quick costume! (Found the "fur" stole on sale while getting juice at Target!) So, it was mostly free and even coordinated with James' Star Wars world. Yay!
- Micah was ridiculously happy being the Joker. It was my first attempt at face paint (I think, ever) and he was pleased. He stayed in character most of the night. (or so he tells us...the three boys did their trick or treating without us, so we're assuming...)
- Speaking of trick or treating...we had considerably fewer trick or treaters than usual. Sad. I figured it would either be that we'd have loads due to the warm weather or that we'd have not many since there were probably plenty of parties over the weekend. Seems like it was the latter. Poo. (I made Noah put the leftover candy up where I can't reach it, lol.)
- Happy to report that the de-Joker-fication process was easier than I worried. :) Managed to get Micah cleaned up with minimal fuss and shampoo.
- I think my neighbors may be throwing down the gauntlet in terms of decoration. That last picture is their yard across the street. That's mostly all new this year. We didn't do any Halloween decorations this year, but are planning some inflatables of our own for Christmas. What will we do if they have more inflatables than us, lol?
- And if Micah seems a bit overly sugared for the next week or so, I apologize. He's on a mission to eat all his candy before he gets braces in a bit over two weeks. ;)

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