Since last Thursday...

Just recording things... :)
Last Thursday, Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. I wish my dad were here to see it. :) He'd have been thrilled. (See some about his love of Dylan here and here.) To celebrate for him, the boys and I listened to Blowin' in the Wind.
On Friday, I took this picture:
Last week, you see, Karate West was doing their annual pictures. I snapped this one of the demo team members who showed up (we're missing four) Friday night.
Saturday morning, Noah headed over to CEC to take the PSAT.
On Sunday, I went for a run (gorgeous fall weather!) and did haircuts for Nathan, Noah and Micah. That evening, Noah had his first dress rehearsal of the JOAD season:
This morning, this is what I got as I headed out to take boys to Options:
As you can see, Micah's pretty delighted with his new haircut and I pinned Asher down to let me do his hair since it was sticking up all over the place, lol.
And I'll also tell you that after today I have seven necklaces left in my personal challenge. :) (I totally wore a string of pearls to Noah's dress rehearsal yesterday, lol.) It's been lovely remembering what I have and a fun challenge. I'm thinking I may have to tackle all my scarves next... ;)

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