Maker Faire

On Saturday we hit the NoCo Maker Faire. This was our fourth year in a row.
Clockwise from the top left:
- boys writing on a chalk painted car out front
- Micah using a Sphero to paint a picture
- at the always interesting pinball-type exhibit
- Micah holding a bubble (he thought this was great fun and the girl put one on his head also, lol)
- Micah and Nathan at the Fort Collins Creator Hub booth
- boys playing some video game (sorry, I didn't pay attention to the booths in the dark room much, lol)
All in all, not quite as fun as years past. I'm not sure if it was because boys are getting older or because there wasn't much new from years past or because of the new space this year or what. Micah, at least, had fun talking to various booth attendants. :) Regardless, it was an enjoyable afternoon and we're still fans of encouraging this type of event. :)

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