And so it begins

So. The next couple-ish weeks are going to be busy. Like really. I've got window installation going on as I type...and, given that it's about freezing, there's still snow on the ground, and the winds are picking up, I'll try to make this quick.
1. Yes, I realize that this isn't the ideal time for having new windows installed throughout one's home. It was a great deal and this is when they could do it...and past Januarys have been weirdly lovely so there was some hope of that. Oh well. :) I'll let you know how it goes.
(I'm trying to be positive and think about how nice it will be to have all new windows...which we've needed since we moved in more than 11 years ago...and how this is a good opportunity to dust and clean window treatments and all the stuff we had to move away from every window.)
2. Last Sunday, my bookends had another JOAD tournament...this one in south, south Denver (okay, technically, SE Parker but it's all Denver to me, lol). Both boys set new personal bests and Micah even came away with second place. He's pretty happy:
3. Last Friday, Noah and I attended a new student orientation at Front Range Community College. Technically, he already has 18 college credits to his name, but all of those courses have been taken on the Colorado Early Colleges campus near our house (with only other high schoolers). Today will be his first class taken actually at Front Range (because he's now taken all of the math and science classes offered on the CEC campus), and he'll almost definitely be the youngest person in his calculus class. Fortunately, he looks older than he is and should be fine. Since he's only just turned 15, though, we'll still have to drive him to and from...and have him put in some of his driver's training during those drives. We're also going to look into the bus schedule, but a first glance tells me that won't work, as his classes at CEC don't get done soon enough for how long the bus ride will take. (He has three classes at CEC in the morning then comes home for a quick lunch then we'll take him to FRCC.)
4. Anyhow. I also, per his advisor's request/advice, registered the boy for the April ACT test. This one will mostly be for practice, as he's still only a sophomore. Still. I feel old. ;)
5. Regarding age, though, I'm actually pretty grateful for mine when it comes to boot camp. I've been doing better lately and am pretty happy about that. I remember, though, that some of the awesome people there have 10 or more years on me and are still kicking butt. I'm hoping I can do as well...they seriously inspire me. :)
6. On the subject of boot camp, this morning I won't bore you with all the details, but it included 400 squats (with kettlebells for different exercises), 175 burpees of miscellaneous varieties, 50 pull-ups, 50 double unders and 50 chin-ups. Oy.
7. This was all after my phone messed me all up early this morning. For reasons unknown, my phone alarm (which is the only clock I use in my bedroom) went off as usual at 5:20 am. I got up and got ready, though I was dragging. I woke Nathan...who promptly informed me that it was only 2ish and to go back to bed. Ugh! After some double checking, we determined that my phone (which was correct when we went to sleep just before midnight) had mysteriously decided to jump forward in time to Saturday, January 23. Specifically, it jumped three days, three hours and three minutes, I think. What the heck?! I've never had that happen before. Have you?
Anyhow, Nathan manually reset my phone and we went back to sleep. I then got up at the correct 5:20 and went to boot camp. Nathan declined. ;)
8. In any case. In the "coming up" department, then, we'll need to do some clean up after the windows this weekend. My mom will be here next Tuesday. Nathan's parents will join us next Friday. We'll all go watch Asher get his black belt next Saturday (hopefully...more on that in another post). My mom will then go visit my brother in Longmont. Nathan's parents will be here for the week. During all that, boys will still have karate and archery and gymnastics and such. Noah will still have school. Younger two will still have Options on Monday. Asher has an orthodontist appointment in there somewhere. And my bookends will have another JOAD tournament February 6 and 7. (Micah will shoot Saturday, and Noah will shoot Sunday.)
9. After all that, I fully intend to crash on the couch and eat junk food and watch the SuperBowl on Feb 7. Don't even think about messing with me during that, lol.
I'll figure out what comes next after all that. ;)

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