Public Service Announcement: Watching Jaws with a somewhat melodramatic and fearful ten year old for the first time may result in bruising and may require earplugs. ;)
Yeah. We watched Jaws with the boys last night. It had been decades since either Nathan or I had seen it and the boys never had. We felt it might be a cultural thing that they should experience, lol. Micah has now (unsurprisingly) declared that he will never live near any ocean.
Also, fyi, the movie rating system from the 1970s seems to be rather different (and more lenient) than today's rating system. (Specifically, Jaws is listed as PG but contains some swearing, nudity and graphic dismemberment/death. Methinks that would not earn a PG rating these days and am now reminded that I apparently must check older movies and not just rely on their ratings.)
For what it's worth, knowing Micah, we would like to point out that we did begin the movie in full daylight. Noah's surprising Micah by yelling "BOO!" in the middle of the movie probably didn't help, though, lol. (Pausing the movie was required to retrieve Micah from his room and allow Noah to apologize.)
Just so you know... ;)
Reader Comments (1)
I believe the PG-13 rating didn't come out until the mid-80s. Raiders of the Lost Arc being one of the first to earn said rating. Previously it was PG or R. You're right that there is a difference.