Ten on Tuesday

1. I'm thinking it's probably odd that my 10 and 13 year old are a wee bit obsessed with checking mannequins at stores to make sure that they have belly buttons. Right? (We took them clothes shopping for a few items over the weekend. Apparently, it's been awhile since we've tried all five of us shopping for clothes together, as I had to constantly reign in the younger two...as they kept messing with mannequins and hiding in window displays. Lovely.)
2. In one week (ONE WEEK, folks!), Noah will start his sophomore year at Colorado Early Colleges (CEC).
3. The younger two won't start Options until the 24th, at which point I'll also start our homeschool year. I suppose I'd better get my act together and start figuring that all out, lol.
4. But I mailed in my annual homeschooling letter of intent to the school district, so that's something. ;)
5. Nathan started boot camp with me yesterday. ;) If you see him, don't touch him. He's sore. (This makes me happy for a couple of reasons...1) it's rather entertaining, lol, and 2) watching him reminds me of how much progress I've made.)
6. Speaking of progress, I'm still loving my FitBit. I fell off the wagon a bit after getting home from Hawaii (though I actually managed a decent step count while in Hawaii) but am back on track now. Yesterday, Nathan and I stopped to admire these snapdragons during one of our walks:
I love snapdragons. They always seem so happy and remind me of my grandma, who always had some growing at her house. (My grandma recently turned 94, btw. On the off chance that she sees this, happy birthday, Gram!)
7. The boys and I had eye appointments yesterday. Micah still doesn't need glasses, which makes him sad, lol. The other two needed slight adjustments to their prescriptions and I'm staying the same. All good.
8. The younger two had their annual well checks last week, too. (Tis the season for annual appointments, lol.) If Micah's reaction to the small finger prick they did for his cholesterol level is any indicator, next year's immunizations will be fun. ;) (I'm already planning to have Nathan take Micah to that appointment.)
9. This is what boys are doing right now:
Love these boxes!
10. I really need to get stuff done instead of sitting here staring at the computer. Bleh. ;)

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