It's the little things

I have a sweet tooth. Not even gonna try to deny or hide that, lol. So, I was delighted when my lovely husband brought me this baggie of Jelly Bellies recently after a particular craving and whining session.
I was even happier when I saw on the guide on the back that they'd changed the color of the buttered popcorn flavored bean to make them easier to find. I hate those things. ;P
But. My happiness was dashed when I discovered that the buttered popcorn beans hadn't actually changed. They're still white with yellow dots...just white enough to often trick me into thinking they're coconut. Argh! On top of that, they added a caramel corn flavor, which is almost equally yucky.
So. I had my little guinea pig (aka Micah) make sure I had all the evil beans isolated and tossed those suckers. Take that! ;)

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