
Spent some time with some of the boys' cousins recently...which was awesome and just too short. Last Saturday, Nathan and I went down to Longmont and took some senior pictures of our oldest niece, Haylee. It went pretty well, and we got some beautiful shots. (It helps that we had such a beautiful subject to work with!) One of my favorites, though, was this one:
For some of the pictures, we made a wildflower crown for Haylee to wear (with flowers from my friend's awesome new venture...thanks again, Sue!). Due to time constraints, Zach ended up finishing up the crown and did a decent job. Isn't he cute? ;)
Okay, though, here's a preview of one of the shots of Haylee:
It'll take me a bit to finish going through all the shots, but I'm hoping she's happy with some of them. :)
The next day, Zach brought all three of his kiddos up to Fort Collins. We ate and visited and boys did this:
And I made most of them let me take this picture:
And then later in the week, the boys and I drove down to Longmont and took kids out to eat...
...and then bowling...
(We were all fairly evenly matched and equally unfashionable, lol.)
Then we went back to Zach's where this quickly ensued:
...and I left those five doing that while Haylee, Marcy and I headed out to take a few more photos.
And, sadly, Haylee and Quinn will be headed back home to Washington tomorrow. :( So glad we were able to see them while they were here...they'll be missed!

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