
Having a pretty good weekend, if I do say so, myself. :)
Yesterday, Nathan took boys to the Free Comic Book Day event happening at the comic book store where they enjoy weekly HeroClix tournaments while I attended an informational meeting about the school Noah currently attends and their plans to open a new middle school this fall. (For what it's worth, we're not ready to send either younger boy to middle school just yet (Micah's technically not old enough anyhow); but, with this new information, we might just consider it in a year or two.)
After that, we spent some time tackling housework before enjoying the afternoon/evening with friends. The boys had a darn good time just being together with their pals. :)
This morning, we took the boys to see the new Avengers movie (which gets two thumbs up from everyone in our house, lol). Got there early enough to get good seats and take a couple selfies...
...much to Noah's disappointment... ;)
And then we headed over to Texas Roadhouse for lunch with the gift cards I got from the boys' JOAD team for keeping the records during the season. (Yum and woohoo!)
And now Noah's mowing while Nathan and Asher are getting groceries for the week, and I'm down to just a few things left on my list for the weekend.
Happy sigh.

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