Morning schoolwork

Yesterday, I took advantage of one of homeschooling's many perks and opted to take the boys for a walk in lieu of morning schoolwork. I'd initially intended just to walk around the neighborhood a bit but we somehow ended up walking to Fossil Creek Park (a bit more than a mile away)...
It was a glorious morning as we walked beneath the trees...
...and posed with the mammoth...
(That's the three of us on top of the mammoth.)
But then the clouds started coming in and the wind picked up and it turned less warm, lol...It didn't deter boys from running and playing and enjoying being the only ones at the park, though...
Yeah. He doesn't really fit. I was worried Micah was going to get stuck when he tried, but Asher managed to slide his way out through the bottom.
In any case, we had a lovely time just playing and sliding and climbing and swinging and such. (We'd done some talking on our walk...about homeschooling plans for the coming year, actually.)
And then we called Nathan and asked him to come pick us up before the rain clouds burst open (which happened about 10 minutes after we left the park, btw, definitely sooner than we'd have made it home walking). Before we left, though, we had Nathan help us reach these...
And take this picture...
And then we went to lunch. Because having a homeschooling schedule and a husband who works from home rocks. :)
(Poor Noah, meanwhile, was at school all day, lol. And don't worry. We did actually do some afternoon schoolwork after we got home, including the morning schoolwork we'd skipped.)

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