Miss Vertigo

That's what it said on the patient board (that they wouldn't let me take a picture of, lol) outside my room at Urgent Care this morning. Fun times.
Yup. Apparently I have a case of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It's an inner ear thing. I've actually had it before, about 15 years ago. Last night was pretty bad..room spinning, lots of nausea, profuse sweating (probably caused by the anxiety of everything spinning), and chills (from the sweating). I ended up in bed from about 6pm until this morning. This morning was considerably better, actually...so long as I go in slow motion. But. Nathan still took me to Urgent Care because obviously sudden onset vertigo is a problem...especially given how often I drive these boys around. ;)
(Many thanks to my lovely husband for taking boys to their schools this morning and making lunches and driving me to the doctor and lunch and the pharmacy. Not exactly how we imagined spending our day. Ugh.)
So. Got a lovely CT scan just to rule stuff out. (My "bony structures are unremarkable" according to the report, thank-you-very-much.) Got some lovely meds for anti-nausea and to help with dizziness and a steroid to help with inflammation in my ear(s). I should be good to go by tomorrow.
Whew. All good.
Plus, don't you think "Miss Vertigo" sounds like a superhero? ;)

Reader Comments (3)
Miss Vertigo is totally a superhero name. I'm glad you're getting the inflammation taken care of, though. I had a series of bad sinus infections a couple of years ago, that led to ear infections, which led to me rupturing my eardrums! That SUCKED! Better to take care of things now before it gets even worse!
Good luck (and kudos to the hubby!)!
Sorry about the vertigo thing--I have two friends who have had it in the past and it is no fun. Just an FYI, both of them (independently) finally got better by doing some PT to bring the ears' inner crystal into balance. It has been a few years, so I don't remember all the details, but it may be something you want to try. One friend was good to go within a couple of weeks. The other suffered for weeks before she tried the PT and was back to normal within a week or two. Good luck. I know it is no fun.
Sorry! No fun. I agree with the comment about PT. there are exercises you can do that help deal with the inner ear crystals. John had this problem a few years ago and it took care of it. Also, just last night this came up in my Bible study group. One woman said she still does the eye exercises after two years and has had no problem since.