Monday musings

- Coconut oil is awesome. Last week I had hives on my legs for days. No idea why, but they were uber annoying. ;) I tried four different antihistamines and an anti-itch cream. Nothing helped, though one of the antihistamines did put me to sleep so at least I wasn't itching then, lol. On Friday, I tried coconut oil. Within minutes the itching stopped. Within 24 hours the hives were almost completely gone! Plus, I smelled like a macaroon and my legs are super soft. ;) Yay, coconut oil!
- For what it's worth, we're going to need to rethink our outdoor Christmas lighting this year. For years, we've used the little hooks that Nathan installed all around/under the eaves...hundreds of little hooks less than a foot apart under the eaves of the roof over the garage and around to the front door. Like this (scroll down). For reasons unknown, though, the house painting crew unscrewed and removed each and every one of them when they repainted the house. We didn't discover this until after all the painting was completed, and Nathan's unenthusiastic about replacing them. ;) Hmmm. The pre-lit wreaths we usually hang around the outdoor lights probably won't work either, since the new outdoor lights are larger. Going to have to think more on this...
- If you come to my house and ring the doorbell, please don't be surprised if it takes awhile for me to open the door. We replaced the weather stripping and door hardware, and the combination apparently makes the door SUPER sealed. Which is good. But I can't always open the door without some significant tugging. We're working on it. ;)

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