
To celebrate autumn, we took an impromptu trip up to Rocky Mountain National Park yesterday. Apparently, lots of other folks had the same idea, as it was pretty crowded. :)
We stopped first at the Alluvial Fan area, hoping to get out and just walk a bit and enjoy the fall colors. Sadly, we discovered that the Alluvial Fan area was mostly washed away by last year's flood. :( So. We ended up driving up Trail Ridge Road, instead. We stopped to walk a bit at about 11,700 feet and take a couple pictures:
We had to head back to the car when Asher's lips started turning blue. ;) But look at the beautiful view...
Then we continued on to the Alpine Visitor Center at the top of the road (around 12,000 feet above sea level). The boys thought the gusts of wind were awesome (and cold!)...
...though Micah wasn't thrilled with Noah for using Micah's jacket for his wind testing, lol. After playing a bit and getting a snack in the gift store, Nathan and Noah climbed the stairs a bit to walk in the clouds while the younger two and I took a quick selfie then got out of the wind.
Along the way (below the tundra), we did enjoy the gorgeous fall vibrant. Sadly, though, I didn't actually take any pictures of them or of us in them. Drat.
And then we all drove back out of the park and had a fabulous late lunch at Ed's Cantina with ice cream at Hayley's as per tradition. We hurried back to the car in the rain and made it home for a lazy afternoon.
Happy autumn!

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