Comic Con: Characters We Posed With (part 1)

We didn't realize it ahead of time, but apparently it's the thing to do to stop complete strangers and ask to take their picture or to take a picture with them while at Comic Con. ;) We missed a number of opportunities toward the start but managed a number of fun shots...
Admittedly, some of these aren't live characters. They still count. ;)
First up was Azog, the big ugly Orc in the Hobbit movies...
(This was pretty early on, so I couldn't convince them to cower and pretend, lol.)
They also particularly enjoyed Gollum:
(For some reason, Micah reserved his smiles for when he was pretending to attack people, lol. When posing as Loki, he had a strictly serious face.)
And we got stopped by a SHIELD agent who even asked to see Asher's hammer and then pretended she couldn't lift it. :)
And Micah chased down this Gandalf after the cartoon voices panel to get his picture taken with him...
This is Allen Bellman. He was awesome. The boys were quite impressed that he actually knows and is friends with Stan Lee. We purchased one of his prints, had him sign it and got this great picture with him:
(He managed to get Micah to smile. He was quite insistent, lol.)
More coming...

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