Five on Friday

1. We're two weeks into our summer reading program and I'm thinking I may have set my expectations too low. ;) Asher's on his fifth book now, Micah's on his fourth and I've read about seven. (Noah has yet to start. But let's not get into that now, lol.) In any case, yay for books! (I'm thinking about either doing posts here about reading lists or possibly starting a new blog just for homeschooling stuff, but don't hold me to that.)
2. We probably won't be getting that last shrub out anytime soon. Nathan injured his finger/hand last night. I'm not convinced it's not broken, though he's refusing to let me splint it or get it x-ray'd. I'm thinking about trying to talk Noah into doing it...
3. I think I may have a problem, though. ;) The boys and I hit the Fort Collins Nursery again today and picked up five more plants (for the containers) and a packet of seeds that I have no idea where I'll plant. (Will need to figure out a container or bed for the backyard probably...Nathan, avert your eyes. You didn't read that, lol.)
4. I went through all the boys' clothes last weekend to switch things out for the summer. Surprisingly, this time it's Micah who's short on clothes. Not "he's got nothing to wear" short...just much more limited than in summers past. :) The reason for this is twofold: 1) he's getting pickier in his old age and flat out rejected some of the hand me downs (I figure even if I made him keep them he wouldn't wear them so what's the point); and, 2) Asher didn't outgrow much. ;)
5. The debate in the car on the way home from the nursery...who would win? Yoda or Wolverine? ;) Apparently, the matter hinges on whether lightsabers can cut through adamantium. Anyone know? (Yes, there was much discussion about Jedi mind tricks and why they would be battling in the first place and how strong Wolverine's mind is and black market availability of different metals in Star Wars land (related to the question of whether lightsabers can cut through adamantium...something about metals that lightsabers *cannot* cut through and whether those metals are weaker than adamantium) and similar questions.)
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