
And here's the bathroom...
We didn't change as much in the bathroom area but are happy with the results. The flooring extended here, and we painted the walls from green to beige (technically, it's "polished pearl" but it's still beige, lol). We also changed out the towel bars and curtains and replaced the light fixture. Some day, we'll change out the faucets (and maybe the sinks) for bronze to match. :)
And here are those curtains I've mentioned before...the bathroom window one (trimmed down from a longer sheer on clearance) and the teal-ish one separating the bathroom from the bedroom area.
We still have more to do in both the bathroom and the bedroom in the way of decorating (want to get a plant and some wall things (maybe a clock and some plaques/frames)) but are pretty happy at the moment. I appreciate, too, how emptying out a room and then putting it back together creates the opportunity to see what you really use and need...purging feels good.
Whew. :)

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