While We're Waiting...

...for me to finish going through my photos so that I can post pictures of our bedroom (which is now almost completely DONE!), I thought I'd list some of the things I learned in the process...
- No matter how many trash receptacles I set out throughout the room, Nathan will drop his garbage on the ground for later. ;)
- Pillowcases are ridiculously expensive. (We have two sets of pillows, so I thought I'd just buy an extra set to match the sheet set that I'd already picked up. Just two standard pillowcases cost half as much as the entire set. Yeah. I couldn't handle that but fortunately finally found some that coordinated well enough at TJ Maxx for a fraction of the cost.)
- Home projects are best done when there's no that we can park in the driveway and use the garage for extra space and for any woodworking issues. (Yay for having a gargage and for the snow holding off!)
- If you're looking for bathroom curtains, be aware that curtains to fit bathroom windows are stupidly hard to find. I looked in soooooo many places and couldn't find any that weren't either too long or too short. (Yes, yes. I fully recognize that I could just hem the curtains. My sewing machine and I aren't on good terms and sheer material is difficult to sew anyhow.) In the end, I found a clearance curtain at Target that, given the design, I was able to simply cut below a fold at just the right length. Whew.
- Also, if you're at Bed Bath & Beyond looking for above-mentioned bathroom curtains, the sales people likely won't know that there are actually bathroom curtains in the bathroom section, not the window coverings section. I know, I asked...and the sales person (who was actually quite knowledgeable and helpful) couldn't find anything. I happened to chance upon the bathroom curtains (which are still slightly too long for my window but considerably better than anything else I found) a week or so after I solved my own problem. Just so you know...
- Tackling a project like this just before spring break and spring cleaning is good timing. We took a big load of stuff to Goodwill yesterday, have another load for Habitat, already gave away a few pieces and have a few pieces to list on Craigslist. Feels great!
- It sucks to paint bathrooms. Enough said.
- It's nice to have both Home Depot and Lowe's (and Ace Hardware) so close. We discovered that, though they stock mostly the same things, each has its strengths. (For us, Home Depot was our go-to for paint and electrical stuff but Lowe's ended up providing the light and bathroom fixtures that we preferred.)
- Always double check that power is "off"...even after flipping the circuit breaker. Ours is labeled incorrectly, fyi. (Fortunately, Nathan remembered this from a previous encounter with our breaker box.)
Whew. :) Hang tight now while I edit photos...

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