Stuffie Olympics

For the record, a couple weeks ago at JOAD practice the kids all played a game. The "winners" received cheesy plastic gold medals. Noah got one. Micah did not. All good. ;) The funny thing is that Noah's winning wasn't what bothered Micah. It was the fact that Noah refused to donate his plastic medal to Koaly, as Micah pointed out that it would obviously fit Koaly better.
A few days later, I happened to see some of these medals in the store and bought a pack for Micah just for fun. He was stinkin' delighted! (It's nice when you can make a kid happy for so little, lol.)
But. Then Micah turned sad. I asked why. His response? He was sad at the thought of having to determine which of his stuffies would win the medals and which would not.
In the end, though, we decided that this was the Winter he could just select the Winter Olympians (polar bears and penguins, for example) and the others could all be coaches and support crew. Whew.
(Micah told me which stuffie participated in which event, but I've forgotten. Shame on me.)
(And, yes, I know folks are wanting to see "after" pictures of our bedroom. Believe me. You don't want them nearly as much as I do, lol. Almost...almost. The bedroom is coming along, definitely...but this is still what my bathroom (which adjoins the bedroom) looked like this morning...)

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