Progress report

1. Thankful for our van and its reliability. (The odometer hit this as I pulled into the garage on Thursday, 2/6.)
2. Thankful, too, for having a garage! So glad to not have to scrape windows.
3. While I'm at it, I'll even add that I'm thankful for treadmills...and the fact that I have access to some at the gym. My training for the half marathon this May wouldn't be going well without the ability to train indoors. ;)
4. Regardless of my gratitude...down with groundhogs! I'm sooooo over winter. Sigh.
5. Our official "off" week is almost over but the Olympics are on now, I'll be hibernating a bit, doing a lighter load of schoolwork, and trying to post some actual progress reports on how our school year's been going. Stay tuned. :)

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