No lines

Score another point for homeschooling! :) With Noah out a week earlier than the other local schools and Asher and Micah still homeschooling, we hit Old Town today just after lunch to see Santa...with absolutely no lines. Woohoo!
Here's our picture:
Noah actually put up considerably less of a fight than last year (he acknowledged ahead of time that he'd cooperate since the younger two would just badger him until he joined in anyhow, lol), and we were all just thrilled to get in out of the cold. :)
The younger two were quite efficient in their list-sharing with Santa and I love how easy the Old Town Santa station makes things. (I always just buy the picture on CD.) Asher was a bit distraught that I wouldn't let him take the candy cane from Santa (thanks, braces!) but Micah thought it was awesome, as he ended up with two. ;p
And that was our annual Santa visit.

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