Thursday thoughts...

1. Yes, we're still covered in snow with single digit temperatures here. Make of that what you will.
2. Question: How do you get your comforter to stay evenly distributed inside a duvet cover? Seriously, I'm thinking about just sewing the darn thing together. ;)
3. Very proud of myself for buying winter boots for this year for Asher *last* year. Didn't have to go hunting up new boots in the stream of others doing the same thing with the first snowfall this year. Yay, me! (Bumped Asher to those and Micah to Asher's old ones. Hoping that the ones we bought Noah last year still fit, as we bought them deliberately too big. He stubbornly insists he doesn't need snow boots, so we haven't tried lately, lol.)
4. Course, simultaneously, I somehow neglected to register Noah for this weekend's JOAD tournament. I registered Micah just fine weeks ago and must have gotten distracted. Went to clarify the check-in time earlier this week and discovered my error. Lovely. Mom fail. ;) Fortunately, thanks to this weather, enough people are dropping out that we were able to snag him a place at the last minute. Whew.
Reader Comments (1)
Answer to Question 2 about your duvet cover: Padded Comforter Clips. You clip the comforter and duvet together at each corner, or if you have problems with shifting, you can add one clip along each side.