Maker Faire

On Saturday, we spent more than a few hours at the NoCo Maker Faire. It was pretty awesome. ;) We went last year (their first year here), and this year was even better!
Here's a sampling of what we saw/did/enjoyed...
After Micah and I separated from the others to make LED badges using conductive thread at the way-cool SparkFun booth, Micah was impressed by the pinball machinery and rotary phone displays...
...and then someone let him shoot an air cannon...(he had to pedal to increase the air pressure first (which took him a bit, lol) before launching...)
...and we also saw loads of lego creations that made him jealous and a paint-a-pult and life size R2D2's and laser cutters and 3D printers...
...and then we reconnected with Nathan and the older two boys, who had made it outside to the rocket launching area. Micah promptly made a rocket and they set about "racing"...
(Our rockets went past that food truck back there. Yeah. We've maybe done this before, lol.)
...and then the older two ended up making chainmail bracelets, which was fabulous though time-consuming...
...and we ate lunch and saw sculptures and drones and such...
...and we roasted flavored marshmallows (yum!!!)...
...and we enjoyed the giant flame breathing and throwing robot sculpture...
...and we wandered some more before finally calling it a day. Whew. :)
Reader Comments (1)
WOW! My boys would Love all those activities. :)