Rainy day thoughts...

Yes, it's still raining. I'm pretty much done with rain, thank you very much. Oy. To take my thoughts off of how much devastation has happened (is happening) all around me, here are some less weighty thoughts for the day...
- If you're local, here's your friendly reminder to check your basement window wells. My brother down in Longmont bailed his out this morning.
- All this crazy Colorado weather of the last few years has definitely opened my eyes to what I'd be looking for in the future in terms of land/home ownership...things like drainage and evacuation routes seem much more important.
- I'm bummed that I can't somehow make this week's rain "count" such that I wouldn't need to run the sprinklers for the rest of the season, lol.
- I'm minutely concerned that all this rain is going to make the ground soggy enough that I should worry about our trees toppling and am thankful that our soil appears to have decent drainage.
- Though trying not to overreact, I'd be lying if I said that part of me isn't contemplating buying a bunch of plastic tubs to have on hand should we ever need to evacuate quickly...and actually putting together emergency kits/bags...and putting together an emergency binder with pertinent information. Don't laugh. :)
- Poor worms. ;)

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