Chambers Lake

So, in efforts to make happier memories (than their initial backpacking trip) and get in at least one more camping trip before our weekends become crazy, Nathan took the boys camping at Chambers Lake last weekend. Given time restraints and the goal of the weekend, he opted to do campsite camping rather than backpacking in. With the promise of actual restrooms and a campfire, Noah agreed to go this time, too...which Nathan says ended up being a huge help. :)
The boys all took off Friday morning after a bit of last minute packing (ie throwing things in the van, lol). They arrived at the site, picked a great spot at the end of the campground peninsula and set up camp. Apparently there was a good bit of throwing rocks in the lake and skipping stones and such. That night, they made smores and played poker. Good guy bonding all around. ;)
Saturday, they had a camp breakfast of bacon and eggs then set out on a hike to another nearby lake. Micah would like to remind everyone that he specifically requested/demanded a shorter hike than last time. But, this hike was about 6 miles each way. There was some complaining on the way there. And rain at times. But. They managed to have a good time while there, ate lunch and headed back with happy anticipation of their campfire and improved moods.
Sadly, though, the scattered showers made for a moat of sorts around the campfire...making it unreachable for the night. :( In light of that, Nathan and the boys opted to head home rather than spend the night again. They got home about 9:30 Saturday night and we managed to get them all showered and mostly unloaded before heading to bed. The next night (after a pretty productive Sunday such that I couldn't even be too upset at them interrupting my alone time, lol) we made smores in the oven and played some poker to make up for Saturday night. And all was good. :)

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