Four on Friday.

1. For the record, the soreness from boot camp, for me, sets in about 12 hours later. I was reminded of this on Wednesday and am keeping it in mind today, as we're not yet to the 12 hour mark. ;)
2. Why can my 8 year old almost instantaneously figure out the least common multiple of 60 and 75 in his head but not be able to write a "4"?
3. Methinks they should have a week or month long "camp" for homeschoolers wherein I can send my boys to a public school environment so that they can get an idea of what a typical workload is like because they obviously don't believe me, lol.
4. Nathan started teaching the boys how to play poker last night. The "poker faces" on the younger two are pretty hilarious. Incidentally, the eight year old cleaned up. ;)

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