Our Fourth in Four

Given my continued soreness, lol, we opted for a low key Fourth. Here's how it went down:
1. Water fight. We hadn't had one yet this summer, so I kicked the boys outside:
Unexpectedly, we had to actually remind Micah of how water fights work (mostly about not getting mad at everyone who gets you wet because, well, that's the point, lol). He still managed to have fun, though...particularly after he got hold of the hose, lol. Also, dude. Noah's big. ;)
2. Independence Day. After drying off and having sno cones, we felt it necessary to watch Independence Day. :) Really, Nathan and I would rather have watched The Patriot. But, we don't think Micah's quite ready for that yet.
3. Glo sticks. We got a sweet parking spot less than a block from the Loveland park and walked in to claim ourselves a spot.
(Sidenote: Large public gatherings are sometimes work for me...work to *not* comment on how frustrating it is to watch three adults smoke at least 6 cigarettes within 30 minutes right in front of us while watching their more than 8 kids (all under the age of 6)...on how annoying the person behind us was who kept snapping pictures of the fireworks with their full flash on (hello?! camera flashes don't help at that distance, so unless you were taking pictures of us, your flash was just blinding everyone around you)...on how inconsiderate it is to hold up an entire line of cars so you can turn left when the right turn is completely open...etc, lol.)
Anyhow. As per tradition, I brought glo sticks for the boys to mess with while we waited:
4. Fireworks. And then we watched the Loveland fireworks show:
Aside from the incessant flashing from the camera behind us, it was good and the boys were satisfied. And then, after ditching our initial exit route (lol), we made it home in pretty good time and crashed for the night. ;)
How was your Fourth?

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