2013-14 Homeschool Plan: Everything else

Almost done. ;) Here are the last few odds & ends that we'll cover:
ART: I'm going to try for a project every other week using this book and others that I already have around here to pull ideas from.
ECONOMICS: I'm not tackling this extensively but have this book and a lesson plan guide that accompanies it. My plan is to simply work through a chapter every other week or so.
WORLD VIEW: Similar to economics...just working on some more intentional exposure to the topic. Last year, we worked our way through this book (supplementing with library books) to introduce the main world religions. This year, we'll use this one.
TYPING/HANDWRITING: I'm going to have all three boys work on typing skills using Type Fu. I've also got a handwriting/cursive workbook that I'm going to have Micah work through...because, though he's well advanced in most subjects, his handwriting is that of a seven year old. ;)
MUSIC: Micah's the only one who will end up with an actual music class this year. He's taking piano at Options. I'm still working out how and whether we'll pursue other music...perhaps just online videos on their own (for guitar) or just continued practice on piano and recorder (and drums in Asher's case) on their own or maybe I'll try to find a class for Asher, who'd love to take clarinet lessons. (Sadly, Options didn't have any music classes for Asher that he hasn't already taken.)
PE: I'm fairly sure both Asher and Micah will have PE at Options this year (and they're looking forward to having Ms Toni again). They'll also both continue with karate twice a week.
(And, hey, because Micah turns eight shortly and Asher's small enough to warrant staying in this age group, they're both in the same time slot again!! It's been three years, but we're back to the two of them being in the same classes and it's lovely. ;) (They'd been divided due to age, such that we'd go to karate twice a week but one would sit with me during the first class and the other would sit with me during the second class.) Ta da! Just saved me more than 1.5 hours each week!)
Asher will then also have his extra karate stuff for demo team each week. Noah will do swim team again 2-3 times a week. And Noah and Micah will both do JOAD archery again, practicing 1-2 times a week from mid-September to end of April-ish. I think that's enough PE. ;)
Whew. And that's what our homeschool plan is for next year. (Oh, and I updated the curricula lists for each boy over to the left for a quick glance sort of dealio.) Thanks for hanging in there! ;)
Reader Comments (1)
Your plan is really impressive and ambitious. I love that you put so much thought into it, especially with individualizing it to each boy.