Two tales of one weekend...Part 1.

(Sorry I haven't updated sooner. My dying computer is, well, dying...has been for more than a month now. It randomly decides to let me do things. Fortunately, yes, we have my new one. Whew! But. I haven't gotten around to transferring things yet (slowly rearranging things). Gonna work on that! Thanks for bearing with me!)
So. Noah and I had a great mother-son bonding weekend. We hit the store for some snacks. We had pizza for lunch. We went home to watch the first two Lord of the Rings movies. (During this, I even managed to sort and file most of the boys' schoolwork...and am almost caught up...woohoo!) We treated ourselves to dinner and watched a sudden storm take the staff by surprise, sending them running outside to literally chase down their tables and umbrellas as the rain deluged. We worried about whether that same storm had hit our campers (more on that shortly, lol). And we went home to watch the last LOTR movie. Day 1.
Sunday, we went for a bike ride...not terribly far or anything (and less than I have run, for sure) but further than I normally bike since I'm usually the one sticking with Micah. ;)
I must interject here that apparently I really need my boot camp class, lol. Dude. Noah's fit. Darn preteen boy. ;) I'm not horribly unfit, honest, and that boy was smoking me. In the end, he took pity on me and insisted that I take the lead so he could mosey behind me rather than keep waiting for me. Awesome.
(I'd like to interrupt yet again to comment on how unfair this is. ;) I'm assuming most of Noah's fitness is from swim team. But. He hasn't actually been in a pool (other than once or twice recreationally) in about 2.5 months. He hasn't done any real exercise over the summer and is able to easily maintain this all. If I stop running for two weeks I feel like I'm basically starting from scratch again. Boys.) ;)
We ended our bike ride at Matador for lunch then biked home. We then went to the theater to (re)watch Star Trek Into Darkness. We weren't home long after that when the rest of our gang showed up for some unpacking and bathing before heading out to dinner (being as we hadn't done our weekly grocery shopping yet) then crashing at home to watch Star Trek First Contact.
Despite the fact that I didn't get any pictures of Noah and me (though I did try, lol), it was good. ;)

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