Ten on Tuesday.

1. What's up with Winter Storm Walda? Though they forecast 8-12 inches of snow, I can still see our grass. In all fairness, it's still snowing and will probably cover the yard by this evening. And the temperatures definitely did drop from the almost 70 degrees of yesterday to less than 20 today. Still. It's rather disappointing.
2. Kudos to me for getting out yesterday morning for a run before the cold temperatures. ;)
3. Just FYI...last week Micah had two more teeth extracted (to make room yet again for permanent teeth that have no place else to go). Oy. Even knowing it was coming and being fully versed in how it all works, the boy resolutely refused to get fully dressed...so went in his pajama top. He then also refused to vacate the dentist's chair after the teeth were pulled...such that we stayed an extra 30ish minutes at the office so that he could make the staff change his gauze multiple times and tell them he hated this. Yeah. Awesome. ;) On the plus side, these were the last baby teeth that will need to come out for at least a few years (until the next round begins).
4. I went through the boys' clothes again recently. Yet again, the wardrobe math is messed, lol. Noah currently has a total of four short sleeve tops. Four. Why does he keep outgrowing things?! ;) Micah, meanwhile, sorted through about four dozen short sleeve tops, and the number of Asher's boxes of clothes that he has yet to grow into continues to increase. Fun times. :)
5. Boys are still enjoying and busy with their extracurricular stuff. Noah had another swim meet last week and again improved on his own personal bests. Asher and Micah continue to love karate. Asher's still doing demo team for karate and has a performance coming up later this week. And, Noah and Micah are gearing up for their final JOAD tournament of the season in a couple weeks.
6. Meanwhile, LEAP has only 5 more weeks and the boys are wrapping up their classes...gearing up for the spring program and their performances in chimes, choir, bells, guitar, drums.
7. And our homeschool school year will continue through July. For the moment, we're still pretty happy with our three weeks on, one week off year-round routine. I'm thinking we'll switch to six weeks on, two weeks off (roughly) for next year. Is it bad, though, that I'm looking forward to the summer, when we only have karate and homeschooling? ;)
8. Incidentally, it's about this time of year that I start getting antsy with homeschooling...trying to slog my way through the rest of this year's plan/assignments (while trying to maintain some enthusiasm and keep the lessons interesting)...when all I really want to do is get started on the new stuff I've been planning for next year. Sigh.
9. Relatedly, this would be part of why things here on the blog have been so quiet lately. Just nothing overly exciting going on. :)
10. Question for you. If you had about five grocery bags worth of good older-but-still-new scrapbooking supplies and great condition stamps and punches (having already donated about three bags to a local cause)...and you didn't have enough other stuff or time to invest in holding a garage sale...and you weren't particularly thrilled about spending too much time sorting it all out and listing it on ebay or a similar site (or spending the time shipping it all to many different buyers) even though you realize that that route would probably yield the most income...what would you do? Seriously. I'd love to make a little bit of money off this stuff (Noah needs new shoes, too, lol) but I'm lazy. Help?
Happy rest of the week to you!

Reader Comments (2)
For #10...what about getting the boys to sort it all into like items and paying with a date or extra video game time or pocket change etc.. Or, you can find a friend who likes to scrapbook and may sort it for a cut of the stuff (I'm thinking of a young mother who, while tired, may not have the funds to buy :). Either way, you or the sorter, can then put them into 'lots' and sell them on Craigslist (or a similar site, I recently heard of a 'women's yard sale' type one that only allows women to shop it) and thus only dealing with local and not the mail. You'd get more than a yard sale, but probably less than E-bay. Or you can see if a different friend is having a yard sale and you can just put the stuff out with hers (after the Winter Storm passes, of course!).
If you really just want to get rid of it while feeling good about passing it on with no pay--give it to girlfriends, give some to a church youth group, give it to a school, pack it up pretty and give to some organization for a basket auction, find a foster kids program where they supply supplies for the kids to make their own scrapbooks, or Make-a-Wish, or Ronald McDonald House, or even the vets hospital. And, reserve a few ready-made "packs" for those unexpected birthday parties/gifts that are needed--girls especially love this stuff. Good luck.