Ten on Tuesday

1. I'm done with snow now. Thank you very much. ;)
2. It's messing with my morning runs. Pretty proud of myself, though, for changing my routine and running yesterday morning just before the stupid snow started again...instead of this morning amid the covering of snow. Also managed to take advantage of the sunshine at the end of last week for a couple runs. Just wish we could get some consistency...preferable warm weather consistency?
3. In happier news, Noah and Micah had their last JOAD tournament of the season on Sunday. Woohoo! Sadly, their scores didn't reflect what I've seen them do at practice (and we tried to put in even more practice before this last tournament). But. They both handled their emotions better than any previous tournament, so we're counting that as a win. :) Here's Micah chatting with his coach and teammates just before they got started:
4. If you live anywhere in Central Washington, be sure to check out my mom's new business! (Follow her on Facebook.) She's opening soon!
5. In case you're interested, I added some curriculum lists over on the right...one page for each boy. Right now, I've only got our present year but may work on going back and adding previous ones.
6. I feel badly for all the little birds outside. They're in the streets now, looking for food...since the snow has (yet again) covered everything. Growing up on an orchard, birds were rather frowned upon since they damaged and ate the fruit. Feeding them was absolutely forbidden. ;) But. I find myself wanting to go buy some birdseed...
7. All About Spelling is having a great giveaway over on their blog. Check it out! :) (We've used All About Spelling for years now and have been quite happy with the program!)
8. I think this is gorgeous! (No idea what quote I'd use, though...)
9. I forgot to mention that that last JOAD tournament also served as the 2013 JOAD State Indoor Championships and that Micah took third. He's taking solace in the fact that he was the youngest competitor in the compound division and that all the other kids in his division will move up next year, while he has another year still as a yeoman.
10. I really ought to go get something done now... ;)

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