
Um, this is Micah's new look as of Saturday.
The kid decided he needed to dress better and dug around to find this tie, which he wore with a blue polo shirt and brown pants on Friday. (I was completely in the dark about what would have brought this about and had decided to just go with it. ;) That evening, Nathan figured out that Micah's been inspired by the school uniforms at Hogwarts.)
Since then, he's been examining his look. I had to get out the white polo shirt in order to get the blue one off him so I could do laundry. (He was so delighted when I handed it to him, lol.) Then he remembered he had this black vest from my sister's wedding almost three years ago, and finally he made Nathan find the coordinating black slacks. Personally, though, I think the clincher is the slicked down mohawk and the serious attitude, lol.
He's now asking whether he looks good enough to go to a party and telling his brothers that they dress like slobs.
Cracks. Me. Up. ;)
Reader Comments (1)
What a handsome little man!