A tale of a kitchen sink...

On Saturday, we embarked on a small home improvement project. Small. Our kitchen faucet has been leaking for awhile now and doesn't get all the way to hot and had finally annoyed us to the point of doing something about it. :)
So. We journeyed to Home Depot, being the good little homeowners we are, to look at faucets. Somehow...somehow...we ended up (after looking both at Home Depot and Lowe's) buying a sink/faucet combo.
In our defense, the combo cost roughly the same as what we figured we'd end up spending on just a faucet. Given that, we decided to go ahead and do both since it's always bothered me that our kitchen sink (like a number of other things in our house) utterly doesn't match. The sink, you see, is beige. Beige, folks. The countertops and tile throughout the house are a very boring cool grey. Meanwhile, the kitchen appliances when we moved in were all white. (Don't even get me started on the bathrooms that have similar mixes of the same grey, beige and white!) Anyhow, we've slowly been switching out the kitchen appliances to stainless steel but the beige sink still clashed with the white range/oven and grey countertops. Here's a before picture with the beige sink and such:
I digress.
Anyhow. We got everything home and started prepping Sunday night (having tackled other household chores in the meantime) only to discover (after closing hours, of course) that there was a flaw in the sink. (It wasn't level once Nathan dropped it down into the hole. And, after belated research, it appeared that this wasn't uncommon for that particular model. Lovely.) Monday, then, we took it back and tried opening the other one in stock at Home Depot only to find the same flaw.
Bleh. Soooo...since Nathan at this point refused to put the old sink back in (it had been a pain to get out, lol) and we were unwilling to journey to all the Home Depots in the area to open the other boxes, we set back out to find both a sink and a faucet (I'll spare you the lengthy decision-making process but suffice it to say that "eenie, meenie" did, in fact, come into play at various points, lol), thereby spending twice as much as originally planned. Fun times. ;) But, here's our new sink and faucet:
Ta da! Yeah, nothing fancy but at least it matches and works now. ;) Whew.
(Incidentally, if you're local and interested in a very sturdy cast iron beige sink that retails for more than $500 new, we'll be listing ours on Craigslist shortly. The sink's in dandy condition...just normal wear and tear...and is actually better than the one we replaced it with...just the faucet was giving us problems. Email me to call first dibs.)
Reader Comments (1)
Lovely! We have a non-separated sink (not sure what it's officially called) and I love it. Happy washing!