
Guess what the boys and I spied on our way home from a friend's yesterday? Yeah, I guess putting it in the title of the post kinda gives it away, lol. Anyhow...lots of geese. So, even though we were trying to get home to get Asher back out the door for a demo team performance, we quickly pulled into the parking lot near this park. Noah declared that he would *not* be running on that grass, as it was covered in goose poo, so I handed him my phone and instructed him to take pictures. Asher, Micah and I then took off running from opposite directions:
Dude. That was fun. ;)
(And, for the record, Noah did end up running on all that grass with us...just couldn't let us have all the fun, lol.)
Oh. And I didn't witness it, myself, but the boys inform me that they literally scared the crap out of those up close to the flock it was apparently raining poo. I was too slow in my cowboy boots to be right under the flock. (Yet another bonus of my cowboy boots, lol!)
Aren't you glad I shared that last bit with you? Hee hee.

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