A very Pokemon Christmas

1. You might not know this about me but I have a mean streak. ;) Truly. As a wee example of this, I wrapped all the boys' gifts in plain kraft paper this year. And I didn't label a single one. Bwahhaaaahhaaa. It was *hilarious* to see how disconcerted this made Noah, in particular. Hilarious, I tell ya! I highly recommend it. ;)
2. Despite my shenanigans, Noah did a lovely job this year at getting into the Christmas spirit. We ask the boys to make or do something for Nathan and I rather than shopping. This year Noah made us both a tin of handmade caramel with sea salt. Oh my yum.
(He also even made gifts for his brothers without prompting and spent a decent amount of time working on them.)
3. I don't pretend to understand the world of Pokemon, but my boys are quite taken with it. Quite. :) And so, we had a rather Pokemon heavy Christmas. I'm not exaggerating when I hang my head and say that more than 1000 new Pokemon cards found their way into our home.
(On the flip side...not one single new Lego. Not one. Is it wrong that that makes me a little sad?)
4. Asher didn't go as Pokemon crazy and, instead, got a new Wii game...the classic Super Mario Bros. Wow. That's entertaining. ;) (May I also just say that their personalities totally come through in their playing styles? So funny!)
5. And, the younger two welcomed a number of new stuffies this Christmas...a giant chimp (Bob), a baby hippo (Adam), a zebra (Jigaziga), and a Pokemon character (Piplup) for Asher...and a not so giant chimp (Jackie), a pig (Bacon), a penguin chick (Jingle), and a Pokemon character (Pikachu) for Micah. Micah also adopted the little stuffed cow (named Dinner) I got for Noah, lol.
And that, in a nutshell, was our Christmas. :) Hope yours was as merry!

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