Five on Friday: Post-Thanksgiving recap edition

1. I think Noah may be in a food coma. Still. It's after 11:30am on Friday and he's still asleep. (His alarm has gone off and we've all taken turns trying to wake him up, for the record.) The boy did eat more turkey and mashed potatoes yesterday than the other four of us combined. No, I don't think I'm exaggerating. ;)
2. Thankful for the ability to just text my voice was AWOL yesterday morning. (Yeah, feeling a bit under the weather but nothing horrible. Still, no Black Friday mayhem for me today. :) Which is perfectly dandy with me.)
3. Thankful, too, for friends who don't care if you come to drop things off at their house in your pajamas since that's how you decided to spend your Thanksgiving. ;)
4. Though it's not very Thanksgiving-y, we spent the last couple days watching an entire season of Top Shot off of Apple TV. It was lovely...nice down time and this particular season (All Stars) had a lot less people drama and just focused on the challenges and respecting each other. (This came about, btw, because we don't have cable or satellite so couldn't watch our traditional Punkin Chunkin this year. It'll come out on Apple TV before long, though, and we'll watch it then.)
5. Question. Pumpkin you eat the crust last or save a bite out of the middle (the nice pumpkiney part) for your last bite? We had a bit of a debate here. Noah and I like to save a bite out of the middle. Nathan thinks that's just wrong, lol.

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