Last Thursday

Noah had his first swim meet of the 2013-14 season last Thursday. As usual, they're just small internal meets, such that Noah's really only competing against himself. He managed to set a new personal best in freestyle and came pretty close in backstroke and the IM. ;)
Honestly, it's wonderful to watch him...his stroke and strength has improved so much since he began swim team. (I'm sure growing almost a foot hasn't hurt, either, lol.) He's really a very good swimmer who just isn't interested in taking things to the next level (even his coaches have talked to him about switching to a more competitive team) and is quite content to simply work on his own form and enjoy the exercise.
Unlike previous years, this first meet of the season was held at the outdoor pool since Miramont still has it open through the end of October. It was, um, chilly. The coaches warned everyone to bring extra towels, blankets and jackets (though a number of parents apparently didn't read the email so were scurrying around trying to find things to wrap their kids in, lol). I want to go on record as saying that I had blankets and jackets available. But. I also have a very stubborn almost thirteen year old who stead-fastly insisted he would not be cold and that I should not bring any extra towels or blankets, lol.
In the end, he relented and let me bring him his jacket but continues to believe that he was not cold...despite the completely goose-bumped skin, blue lips and visible shivering. Of course. ;)
Anyhow, here's the team warming up with some practice starts:
Noah's in the far lane. ;) And here he is during backstroke:
And during the IM:
Ta da. ;) And that was Noah's swim meet.

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