Ten on Tuesday

Just some little things that make me happy...
1. Last Friday, Nathan and I went for a morning run/cross training circuit together. It was a first for us and turned out pretty well. Along the way, we found a big ol' flock of geese and snuck up on them from opposite directions and scattered them to the winds. It was awesome! Wish I'd taken a picture or video. ;)
2. Over the weekend, we all headed up to The Cupboard here in Fort Collins (fabulous culinary supply type store with lots of goodies), just for kicks. We all wandered around happily for more than an hour. Micah was absolutely delighted to find this cookbook. The boys (all four of them) have been watching pretty much every episode of Good Eats on YouTube for the past few months and love it. Micah has an ongoing list of kitchen supplies he feels we/he need(s). At the moment, the list includes a stand mixer, a good disher, a board scraper, multiple waffle irons (for the record, we have one but apparently he thinks it inadequate) and an offset spatula, among other things. Yes, these are the sorts of things he's thinking about asking for for his birthday half a year from now, lol. (Micah also says that The Cupboard makes good coffee...samples of which he happened to help himself to...a couple times, lol.)
3. After that, we grabbed an early dinner at Beau Jo's. Haven't been there in ages. Beau Taco pizza = awesomeness. ;)
4. I think I may need a pair of nude pumps. The Pioneer Woman told me so. ;)
5. Either that or these boots. (Aren't they beautiful?!)
6. I think, too, that I need to implement this as a standing house rule. Definitely.
7. Once again, I neglected my camera duties...just wanted to say that I appreciate the fun art on the utilities boxes along the path that I was running on yesterday morning. Maybe I'll actually stop and snap a picture one of these days. :)
8. This just makes me smile. I love Iron Man.
9. I love that the younger two have been on a musicals/classics kick lately. In the past week or so, we've watched "The Sound of Music," "E.T.," "Annie," and "The Wizard of Oz." The singing is driving Noah crazy...particularly when Micah mixes the lyrics and tunes, lol. "Mary Poppins" is next on the list. ;) (I think that may drive Noah over the edge, though. Should be entertaining!)
10. I finally feel like I have a grasp on the swirling thoughts that have been circling in my head all month...more on that in an upcoming post. ;)

Reader Comments (3)
Too funny, I read PW's blog and thought the same. But... When do I wear dresses (or heels)??
I love the boots and a Kitchen Aid stand mixer is a kitchen must. :)
Keep an eye out at estate sales. I often see really nice stand mixers for only a few dollars. I bought one for Karisa last year.