Ten on Tuesday.

Just ten random things... ;)
1. I realize it's belated, but we had a pretty darn good Fourth of July this year. Given the fireworks restrictions and the many cancelled city shows, we opted not to brave the throngs to see the one city show in the area and, instead, just stayed home with friends. The boys showed off their new bedrooms, games were played, girls were chased and plenty of food was eaten...including snow cones, of course:
So very thankful for good friends to share good times with! Wish I'd taken more photos...
2. Asher's been loving being on his karate Demo Team! So far he's performed at three local elementary schools and will perform at his own belt promotion later this week and at New West Fest next month. It's really rather impressive how quickly he picks up on the routines and how much he truly loves doing them. I'll try to take better pictures soon, honest. ;)
3. Due to the smoke levels during the High Park Fire and the distractions of redoing boys' bedrooms, there were a few weeks there that I mostly stopped running. I've been paying for it lately as I'm working on getting back to it before the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon that Molly talked me into running; it's in a few weeks. Oy. I'm being realistic and know that I was much more prepared for the Colorado Half Marathon that I ran in May so am simply hoping to finish this one. :) Wish me luck!
4. Our kitchen table set recently decided that it's had about enough. It's an antique actually (from the 1930s) but just isn't up to the squirminess of certain young boys. So. When Nathan and I went to IKEA to pick up supplies for the boys' bedrooms, we also looked for a new kitchen table set...one where the chairs wouldn't literally fall apart when Asher sat at it, lol. But. We didn't find anything we liked. Instead, we decided to make our own using a bigger slab of butcher block than the ones Nathan used for his desk and Micah's. Nathan put on the last coat of finish last night, so I'll have pictures soon. For chairs, we're letting each family member pick his/her own chair (though I, of course, have final veto power, lol) to give it an eclectic feel. So far, we've only found one chair but are working on finding more. Stay tuned...
5. Molly made me join Pinterest. ;) I love it but Nathan's decided it's really just a new form of "honey do" list, lol.
6. I'd love to learn how to whistle...you know the type of whistle where you stick two fingers in your mouth and get a lovely loud sound? Anyone know how to teach me that?
7. As campaign season is upon us, let me take a moment to say:
I made this little sign to hang just outside our front door recently. Been meaning to for awhile now and am pretty happy with how it turned out. ;) (I picked up the small, blank chalkboard sign and beaded chain at a local store, Feather Your Nest, and then painted the text on there with white paint.)
8. Asher and Micah have truly been enjoying swim lessons this summer! We normally only do one or two sessions each year, but this year went ahead with three because Micah asked. Given that until this summer we still couldn't get the boy to put his face in the water without freaking out, that was saying something and we decided we'd best take advantage of his enthusiasm, lol. It's been going well. As an added bonus, Asher's last instructor would toss the kids at the end of class:
9. Yesterday was my last post as a member of the Ormolu Creative Team. It's been a fabulous experience that I've truly loved...but it's time for a new team that will start later this year (after the shop owner's maternity leave, lol). Thank you, Kaitlin, for such a lovely opportunity!
10. Don't hate me, but I just have to say that I'm not a fan of potlucks. One, I prefer events with kids to either avoid meal times altogether or to be picnic-style where everyone's responsible for their own food. I just find that very much simpler...particularly when you have children who won't eat just anything if you know what I mean. ;) And, two, I'm so very introverted that group outings like this are work for me. I'm not at ease in large groups, particularly so when I'm not familiar with most of the people there. I don't do well at putting myself out there and meeting new people.
But. For the sake of my children, I find that I do put myself out there more nowadays than I did before kids. Case in point...last weekend we went to the boys' karate school potluck. Though I was outside my comfort zone for sure, the boys had a blast...literally. There was a raging water fight between the younger kids and the black belts:
I think they all won in the end and I was glad that Nathan talked me into going. :)
Okay, whew. I think I'm pretty much caught up now. Can't believe it's almost the end of July already. How's your summer going?
Reader Comments (1)
I love your kitchen table idea- and everyone picking out their own chair! I am anxious to see it :)
I also love your no soliciting sign and think I will copy you :)
And I am with you on the potlucks too. I was and sometimes still am a picky eater (Reiley too) and so I inevitably end up eating basically only what I brought...and ditto to the being introverted part also!