App love.

Just wanted to quickly pop in with a glowing recommendation for the Stack the States and Stack the Countries apps currently available. I'd read this review before but only got around to actually buying the apps last night. (The review is thorough and great, so I won't repeat it all here...pretty much "what she said" lol.) All three boys have been happily working their way through the US and around the world ever since. ;) Gotta love it. (In fact, I loved it so much I bought copies of both apps for Noah's iPod, too, so that at least two boys can be playing at a time rather than having all three clamor around my iPhone.)
In particular, I find two things make me happy. One, I'm able to readily see that at least some of our geography studies of the past year are paying off! (When your six year old remembers that Djibouti is in Africa and looks like a little pac man like mouth, I count that as progress!) And, two, it's good practice with multiple choice test taking skills (something we don't hit on a heap as homeschoolers)..."hey, I know these two aren't in South America, so that leave me with just these two to guess between..." Sweet!
Now. Lovely person who came up with those apps, could you pretty please make one about parts of speech? ;)
Reader Comments (1)
Love these apps. Try Rocket Math and Presidents vs. Aliens by the same developer. . Not for parts of speech but still awesome.