Quick PSA

Just a quick Public Service Announcement...
It really is important to wear your bike helmets! Please do. :) Here's Asher's after he smacked it against the street just outside our house earlier today:
It doesn't look horrible but actually is dented up pretty good, and it cracked all the way through. Asher's fine, thank goodness...just scraped up a bit, mostly on his shoulder. I shudder to think, though, how badly he'd have been hurt if he hadn't been wearing his helmet. This is a fairly new helmet (like less than a year old and it's not one of those cheap ones...this one's from a local bike shop) and he was just riding with Noah out front and took a curb wrong. Oy.
So. Please have your kids wear their helmets and set a good example by doing so, yourself, too. Thanks. :)

Reader Comments (2)
Oh man, so glad he's ok! Yeah, my girls have to wear their helmets, even when scootering (I don't think that's a word, lol.) It's normal for them, just like seatbelts, they can't imagine NOT doing it.
We've always REQUIRED helmets too... a girl in my dad's marching band when he was teaching years ago had a terrible bike accident when I was little and suffered severe, irreversible brain damage as a result. Scary : ( Of course it's not even a question right now as we live on base and the girls know you can get arrested (OK, maybe not arrested, but we've never corrected them) for not wearing helmets. And at the very least, lose their bike privileges on base! Glad he is recovering OK. Eeek.