
We haven't taken the boys sledding for one reason or another for a couple years. They are very aware of this and have been pestering us. (To be fair, I'm thinking that Asher's broken arm is a good reason for not sledding last year, lol.) Anyhow. This is how we spent the morning: (click on these to make them bigger)
Yes, we like those inflatable sleds. Two were sleds that we've had in the garage for a few years and finally remembered to inflate.
No, we did not color coordinate them to the boys...honest. It just happened that way. ;)
Yes, Micah started out bundled up but ended up begging to sled in just his tee, jeans and boots. (It was beautiful weather and actually very nice.) Obviously, since he refused to zip his coat back up, he ended up rather wet. But he was happy. ;)
Yes, they built themselves a small snow ramp to jump. Fortunately, it didn't get big enough to do any real damage, though there were a number of times folks ended up on the ground without a sled, lol. (Yes, by "folks" I mean to include Nathan, lol.)
Yes, they all decided (having watched the Winter X Games last weekend) that it would be cool to attempt to "snow board" on that flat sled. They didn't make it very far, but it was entertaining to watch. :)
They were all smiles:
Yes, Micah is a ham. Seriously. He and his sweaty little head posed for that shot.
Yes, trying to get good closeup shots of my eleven year old is getting more and more difficult. ;) (Asher will cooperate but simply can't stay
(By the way, this sledding was all done at a small neighborhood grassy area and isn't really a very big hill at all. Fortunately, that's sufficient for the boys...because the larger, more popular, local sledding hills were probably packed. We were mostly alone, which was nice.)
And. Nathan and I were not to be left out:
Yes, going down double on the circular sled didn't work so well. We had to switch to the wedge shaped one. ;)
And. You can't see it here, but that last picture (bottom right) was taken just moments before we tumbled into the drainage ditch that had begun to melt quite nicely. When we'd started the morning, it was just filled with snow and we didn't always make it that far anyhow. By the end, it was free-flowing water and, well, Nathan and I just didn't abandon our sled in time, lol. (We made the boys bail out before the ditch after that!) Considering that Nathan and I weren't wearing snow pants like the boys, it's a good thing that run was near the end of our sledding. :)
So, that's how we spent our morning. Started the weekend off's yours going?
Reader Comments (1)
Sounds like you had a blast! Nothing much going on here. John is working on organizing the workbench/tool area in the garage -- a BIG job! He's anxious to go fishing again, but it's just been too cold. I think he's doing the garage so he won't feel guilty about going fishing on weekends when it gets warmer!